Inngangur að nýrri FV4000 Olympus lagsjá

6. janúar 2025 12:00 til 13:00
stofa Lg-201
Aðgangur ókeypis
Olympus FV4000- Transforming Precision
Our more than 100 years of optical expertise have led to the
FV4000 microscope - a technological breakthrough that
delivers profound image quality with the potential to change
what you’re able to see and empower your research. And now
Biomedical Center Iceland core facility has the FV4000 !
Welcome 6.1.2025 12-13 to introduction lection of the system
We are going through:
▪ SilVIR detectors
▪ Hybrid scanner
▪ System configuration
▪ Software options briefly
▪ This gives good background to practical workshop
Olympus FV4000- Transforming PrecisionImaging