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Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Precision Nutrition & Exposomics: Future Opportunities

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Precision Nutrition & Exposomics: Future Opportunities  - á vefsíðu Háskóla Íslands
6. mars 2025 12:30 til 13:10


stofa N-132

Aðgangur ókeypis

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs fimmtudaginn 6. mars kl. 12:30-13:10 í Öskju, sofu N-132

Fyrirlesari: Bryndís Eva Birgisdottir, professor at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Iceland

Title: Precision Nutrition & Exposomics: Future Opportunities  

Abstract: Precision Nutrition considers individual variability in how people might respond to different foods, aiming to optimize health. This is based on factors such as genetics, microbiome composition, metabolism, lifestyle, and health status, using data driven processes. Exposomics studies how environmental exposures interact with our biology to shape health and disease. This talk will focus on the two concepts, where future opportunities are many. A pan-European research infrastructure for exposomics is underway, with the University of Iceland participating. The development of Icelandic nodes for both Precision nutrition and Exposomics will be discussed, bringing together relevant expertise, facilities, and stakeholders, both here in Iceland and with Nordic and European partners.  

Bryndís Eva Birgisdottir, professor at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Iceland

Málstofa Lífvísindaseturs - Precision Nutrition & Exposomics: Future Opportunities