Málstofa Verkfræðistofnunar - Mechanical Engineering and Fluid Mechanics at KIT

Stofa 147
Málstofa á vegum Verkfræðistofnunar HÍ.
Dr. Bettina Frohnapfel, við Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
The Mechanical Engineering department at KIT has an Erasmus agreement with University of Iceland. In this talk, an overview of the study programs that KIT offers in Mechanical Engineering will be given which are of particular interest for exchange students. This includes a Bachelor program fully taught in English as well as English Master programs.
Additional exchange options include student theses which can directly be linked to ongoing research projects. I will provide an overview of the present research topics at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and highlight options for the involvement of exchange students. Based on this overview I hope to identify common research interests in fluid mechanics at the University of Iceland and at KIT which are the perfect foundation for the exchange of students and doctoral candidates and for possible further collaboration.
Dr. Bettina Frohnapfel, prófessor í vélaverkfræði við Karlsruhe Institute of Technology